Nanomaterial-Driven Precision Immunomodulation: A New Paradigm in Therapeutic Interventions

TitleNanomaterial-Driven Precision Immunomodulation: A New Paradigm in Therapeutic Interventions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
Date Published05/2024
JournalMDPI Cancers
Volume16 (11)
Type of ArticleReview Article
Publication LanguageEnglish
AuthorsAljabali, AAA, Obeid, MA, Gammoh, O, El-Tanani, M, Mishra, V, Mishra, Y, Kapre, S, Palakurthi, SSrivatsa, Hassan, SSarif, Nawn, D, Lundstrom, K, Hromic-Jahjefendic, A, Serrano-Aroca, Ã, Redwan, EM, Uversky, VN, Tambuwala, MM
Keywordsimmunotherapy; nanomaterials; drug delivery; immune modulation; cancer vaccines; personalized immunotherapy
Refereed DesignationRefereed