BIO402 Molecular Evolution 

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Course Code Course Title Weekly Hours* ECTS Weekly Class Schedule
BIO402 Molecular Evolution  3 1 6 Wednesday 12:00-14:50
Prerequisite Junior Standing It is a prerequisite to


Lecturer Muhamed Adilović Office Hours / Room / Phone
A F1.29 - 033 957 219
Assistant Assistant E-mail
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the concepts of Molecular Evolution, building upon the fundaments of genetics. The aim is also to provide students with practical skills required for the study of molecular evolution using various online resources and software.
Textbook An Introduction to Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics 2nd Edition, Lindell Bromham, ISBN-13: 978-0198736363
Additional Literature
  • Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution 2nd Edition, Dan Graur and Wen-Hsiung Li
  • Bioinformatics for beginners genes, genomes, molecular evolution, databases and analytical tools, Supratim Choudhuri
Learning Outcomes After successful  completion of the course, the student will be able to:
    Teaching Methods Class lectures, presentations, discussions, practical analyses.
    Teaching Method Delivery Face-to-face Teaching Method Delivery Notes
    Week 1 Introduction - DNA Chapters 1, 2
    Week 2 Mutations and Replication Chapters 3, 4
    Week 3 Genome and Genes Chapters 5, 6
    Week 4 Selection - Descent with Modification Chapter 7
    Week 5 Drift - Chance and Necessity Chapter 8
    Week 6 Species - Origin of Species Chapter 9
    Week 7 MIDTERM
    Week 8 Alignment - Same but Different Chapter 10
    Week 9 Phylogeny - Tree of Life Chapter 11
    Week 10 Hypotheseses - Seeing the Wood for the Trees Chapter 12
    Week 11 Rates - Tempo and Mode Chapter 13
    Week 12 Dates - Telling the Time Chapter 14
    Week 13 Project Initiation - Usage of Online Resources Practical
    Week 14 Project Development - Formulating Research Study Practical
    Week 15 Project Finalization - Conduction of Research and Delivery of Results Practical
    Assessment Methods and Criteria Evaluation Tool Quantity Weight Alignment with LOs
    Final Exam 1 40
    Semester Evaluation Components
    Midterm 1 21
    Presentation 1 15
    Project 1 24
    ***     ECTS Credit Calculation     ***
     Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours
    Lectures 3 15 45 Home Study 3 15 45
    Presentation Preparation 15 1 15 Midterm Preparation 15 1 15
    Project 5 3 15 Final Preparation 15 1 15
            Total Workload Hours = 150
    *T= Teaching, P= Practice ECTS Credit = 6
    Course Academic Quality Assurance: Semester Student Survey Last Update Date: 18/10/2024

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