Course Text Books

Text Book : An Introduction to Genetic Engineering 3r ed. Desmond S. T. Nicholl, Cambridge
Additional Literature : Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction 7th ed. T. A. Brown, Wiley; Techniques in Genetic Engineering 1st ed. Işıl Aksan Kurnaz, CRC Press
Text Book : Introduction to Protein Structure, Branden and Tooze
Additional Literature : Textbook of Structural Biology, Anders Liljas , Lars Liljas , Jure Piskur, Göran Lindblom,Poul Nissen and Morten Kjeldgaard The Structures of Life-National Institutes of Health (Booklet) Proteins Structure and Function, Whitford Protein Structure and Function: From Sequence to Consequence, Gregory A. Petsko and Dagmar Ringe
Text Book : Selected original research articles published in high-impact factor international journals. Coursework will be supplemented with appropriate journal articles at the discretion of the instructor. In addition, a series of online resources will be also employed throughout the course.
Additional Literature : Selected online research articles.
Text Book : Fundamentals of light microscopy and electronic imaging, Douglas B. Murphy - Wiley. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Additional Literature : Selected scientific articles related to Bio-Imaging Systems.
Text Book : Prof. Dr. Mirzana Pašić Kodrić & Dženana Uzunović, MA: "Spoken Bosnian I" (Available in IUS Copy Store & Online in Microsoft 365 - Teams)
Additional Literature : 1. Elias-Bursac, Ellen, Alexander, Ronelle: "Bosnian,"Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook: With Exercises and Basic Grammar", University of Wisconsin Press, 2010 2. Elias-Bursac, Ellen, Alexander, Ronelle: "Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Audio Supplement: To Accompany Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook", University of Wisconsin Press, 2006 3. Mayhew, Anila, Alexander, Ronelle: "Eastern Europe Phrasebook & Dictionary" (Paperback), Lonely Planet Global Limited, Ireland, 2019.
Text Book : Prof. Dr. Mirzana Pašić Kodrić & Dženana Uzunović, MA: "Spoken Bosnian II" (Available in IUS Copy Store & Online in Microsoft 365 - Teams)
Additional Literature : 1. Elias-Bursac, Ellen, Alexander, Ronelle: "Bosnian,"Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook: With Exercises and Basic Grammar", University of Wisconsin Press, 2010 2. Elias-Bursac, Ellen, Alexander, Ronelle: "Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Audio Supplement: To Accompany Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook", University of Wisconsin Press, 2006 3. Mayhew, Anila, Alexander, Ronelle: "Eastern Europe Phrasebook & Dictionary" (Paperback), Lonely Planet Global Limited, Ireland, 2019.
Text Book : Michael D. Myers (2013). Qualitative Research in Business & Management (2nd Ed).SAGE
Additional Literature : Suggested by the main literature.
Text Book : "The Main book: Robbins, P. Stephen and Coulter, Mary (2012), Management, 11th Edition, Pearson.
Additional Literature : "Additional Readings: Daft, Richard L. (2012), Management, 10th Edition, South-Western Cengage Learning."
Text Book : Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., & Riesenberger, J. R. (2019). International Business: The New Realities. 5th (Global) Edition.
Additional Literature : Additional readings will be assigned in the class.
Text Book : Problem Solving with C++, 10th edition,Walter Savitch, Pearson Education, 2018.
Additional Literature : Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, 3rd edition, Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley, 2024
Text Book : Walter Savitch, Absolute Java, 6th Edition Pearson; Carrano, Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 4th Edition
Additional Literature : -
Text Book : - Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, 2nd Edition, Robert Lafore, SAMS - Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction by Ralph P. Grimaldi, 5th Edition
Additional Literature : Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in Java, Narasimha Karumanchi, CareerMonk Publications
Text Book : Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, 2nd Edition, Robert Lafore, SAMS
Additional Literature : Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in Java, Narasimha Karumanchi, CareerMonk Publications
Text Book : R1: Digital Design, Morris M. Mano, Michael D. Ciletti, Pearson (5th Ed.) R2: Fundamentals of digital logic with VHDL design, Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic, McGraw Hill (3rd Ed.)
Additional Literature : 1. Digital Design Using VHDL A System Approach, William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting, Tor M. Aamodt, Cambridge University Press, 2015 2. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, David Harris and Sarah Harris, Elsevir, 2013
Text Book : Concepts of Programming Languages, Robert W. Sebesta, Addison-Wesley, 8th edition, 2008.
Additional Literature : TBA
Text Book : A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, and G. Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 10th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2018.
Additional Literature :
  1. A. S. Tanenbaum and H. Bos, Modern Operating Systems, 5th ed. Harlow, Essex: Pearson, 2024.
  2. W. Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 9th ed. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2018.
Text Book :
  1. Duckett, Jon. HTML & CSS: design and build websites. Vol. 15. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2011.
  2. Duckett, Jon, Gilles Ruppert, and Jack Moore. JavaScript & jQuery: interactive front-end web development. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014.
  3. Brown, Ethan. Web development with node and express: leveraging the JavaScript stack. O'Reilly Media, 2019.
Additional Literature :
  • York, Richard. Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
  • Connolly, Randy. Fundamentals of web development. Pearson Education, 2015.
  • Luke Welling, and Laura Thomson. PHP and MySQL Web Development, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2017.
  • Casciaro, Mario, and Luciano Mammino. Node.js Design Patterns. Third Edition, Packt Publishing Ltd, July 2020.
  • Text Book :
    • 1. Cisco DevNet Associate Course Resources: DevNet Associate v1.0 (DEVASC).
    • 2. CCNA Cisco Academy Networking Program: Introduction to Networks v7.0 (ITN) and Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation v7.0 (ENSA).
    • 3 Cisco Networking Academy Course: Programming Essentials in Python Course v2.0 (PCAP).
    • 4 Cisco Networking Academy Course: NDG Linux Unhatched.
    Additional Literature : Edelman, Jason, Scott S. Lowe, and Matt Oswalt. Network Programmability and Automation: Skills for the Next-Generation Network Engineer. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2018. Chou, Eric. Mastering Python Networking . Packt Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    Text Book : Cisco Networking Academy Platform and CompTIA Security+ SY0-401 materials
    Additional Literature : Graham, James, Ryan Olson, and Rick Howard, eds. Cyber ​​security essentials . CRC Press, 2016.
    Text Book :
    • Cisco Networking Academy CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking (CCNP ENCOR v8).
    Additional Literature : CCNP Routing and Switching v2.0 Official Cert Guide Library. By Kevin Wallace, David Hucaby, Cristian Matie, Wendell Odom. Published Dec 23rd 2014 by CISCO Press.
    Text Book : "1. Introduction to Data Mining, Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, and Vipin Kumar, Addison-Wesley, 2006 2. Machine Learning with R, Brett Lantz, Packt Publishing, 2013 or 3. Building Machine Learning Systems with Python, Packt Publishing. "
    Additional Literature : Class Notes, Relevant Papers
    Text Book : Introduction to Data Mining, Pang Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Pearson, 2005.
    Additional Literature : Data Mining, Charu C. Aggarwal, Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3319141411, ISBN-10: 9783319141411
    Text Book : Ebert, R. J. & Griffin, R. W. (2013). Business Essentials. (9th ed.). Pearson Publishing.
    Additional Literature : N/A.
    Text Book : “Starting out with Python”, Tony Gaddis, Pearson Education, 2015.
    Additional Literature : "Python for Everybody: Exploring Data Using Python 3," Dr. Charles R. Severance, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2016. "Python for Data Analysis," Wes McKinney, O’Reilly, 3rd Edition. "Pandas for Everyone: Python Data Analysis" by Allen B. Downey, 2nd Edition.
    Text Book : Mankiw, G. N. & Taylor, M. P. (2021). Economics. 9th Edition. Cengage.
    Additional Literature : Ocasional reading materials in relation to topics discussed.
    Text Book : Pindyck, R. & Rubinfeld, D. (2020). Microeconomics. Pearson.
    Additional Literature : Nicholson, W. & Snyder, C. (2022). Intermediate microeconomics and its application. South-Western, Cengage Learning.
    Text Book : Gujarati, D. (2014), Econometrics by Example, 2 Edition, Palgrave Macmillan
    Additional Literature : 1. Wooldridge, J. M. (2020). Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, (Seventh Edition), Cengage Learning. 2. Gujarati, D. N. & Porter, D. C. (2009). Basic Econometrics. McGraw-Hill / Special Readings. 3. Bruce E. Hansen. (2021). Econometrics. Princeton University Press
    Text Book : Frederic S Mishkin " Financial markets and institutions" 8th edition
    Additional Literature : Keith Pilbeam, Finance and Financial Markets, Third issues, Palgrawe Macmillan
    Text Book : Hassan, M. K., Shaikh, S. A., & Kayhan, S. (2020). Introduction to Islamic banking and finance: an economic analysis. World Scientific.
    Additional Literature : Askari, H., Iqbal, Z. & Mirakhor, A. (2015) Introduction to Islamic Economics: Theory and Practice, Singapore: John Wiley& Sons. (1)
    Text Book : McConnel, C. R. &, Brue S.C. &Macpherson D.A. (2021). Contemporary Labor Economics 12th Ed. Mc Graw Hill
    Additional Literature : Ehrenberg, R. G. & Smith, R. S. (2018). Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy. Pearson publisher
    Text Book : Louise Porter (2009). Educating Young Children with Special Needs.Allen & Unvin.
    Additional Literature : Rayner. S. (2007). Managing Special and Inclusive Education. SAGE Publications Ltd. Dunn, L. (1973). Exceptional children in the schools (2nd ed.).New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Gargiulo, R., & Kilgo, J. (2011). An introduction to young children with special needs (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Gargiulo, R. M. (2012). Special Education in Contemporary Society. An Introduction to Exception. Sage Publications.
    Text Book : Louise Porter (2009). Educating Young Children with Special Needs.Allen & Unvin.
    Additional Literature : Rayner. S. (2007). Managing Special and Inclusive Education. SAGE Publications Ltd. Dunn, L. (1973). Exceptional children in the schools (2nd ed.).New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Gargiulo, R., & Kilgo, J. (2011). An introduction to young children with special needs (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Gargiulo, R. M. (2012). Special Education in Contemporary Society. An Introduction to Exception. Sage Publications.
    Text Book : Electronic devices: Conventional current version (9th ed.), Floyd, T. L.,Pearson Education, Prentice Hall,2012 (Other references are provided is class as well) Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Mutukula Sarma, Oxford
    Additional Literature : R. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 11th edition, Pearson, 2012
    Text Book : Electrical Circuits, Nilsson, Pearson, 2011
    Additional Literature : Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms - (2021, Wiley) Enginerring Circuits Analysis William Hayt, Jack Kemmerly, Steven Durbin. McGraw Hill
    Text Book : AG.F. Franklin, J.D. Powel and A.Emami-Naeni: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN0-13-098041-2 Karl Johan Astrom Control System Design Lecture notes for ME 155, Dept of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, (2002)
    Additional Literature : Karl Johan Astrom and Richard M. Murray, Feedback Systems- An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Princeton University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0-691-13576-2 (alk. paper); ISBN-10: 0-691-13576-2 (alk. paper) The electronic edition of Feedback Systems and is available from ttp://∼murray/amwiki.