Benefits of second language education to cognitive skills and overall brain function

TitleBenefits of second language education to cognitive skills and overall brain function
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
Date Published05. June, 2021
JournalInternational Journal of Education and Teaching
Publication LanguageEnglish
AuthorsMulalic, A, Sekmen, H
ISSN NumberISSN: 2788-5011
Other Numbers
KeywordsCognitive skills, Intelligence, Keywords: Foreign language, Learning, Memory

We are living in a time and space where you constantly need to improve yourself. Numerous
seminars, diverse courses, various trainings, and everlasting efforts. All of them serve the same
purpose: our mental and intellectual improvement. When one examines those attempts closely,
foreign language education will be one of some others in the foreground. Nowadays, people
have the urge to acquire at least one foreign language and consider it as a must for educational
and business purposes since it brings a large number of profits. Engaging with people from
different countries and cultures and carrying your business to a more global and international
environment are a few examples of benefits of L2 education. Likewise, attaining higher education
abroad would give any learner a new perspective and a more widened horizon because, as
Federico Fellini says, “a different language is a different vision of life.” However, there are
even more significant benefits of L2 education apart from these. In fact, learning a second
language helps to improve cognitive skills such as intelligence and memory, while diminishing
risks of developing brain-related diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Refereed DesignationRefereed