CS428 Principles of Quantum Computing

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Course Code Course Title Weekly Hours* ECTS Weekly Class Schedule
CS428 Principles of Quantum Computing 3 2 6 Friday, 09:00-11:50
Prerequisite None It is a prerequisite to


Lecturer Ali Almisreb Office Hours / Room / Phone
8:00-18:00 Via Teams
8:00-18:00 Via Teams
A F2.6
E-mail aalmisreb@ius.edu.ba
Assistant Assistant E-mail
Course Objectives The objectives of the course are:
1. To provide students with the necessary knowledge about quantum computing and the world's most recent quantum programming tools.
2. To help students embrace this futuristic technology and participate in applying quantum technologies to solve problems.
3. To Introduce the Quantum Gates and their usage in Quantum circuits.
4. To Introduce the Quantum circuits and their implementation in solving real-world problems.

Textbook 1. Learn Quantum Computation Using Qiskit, [Online], IBM, 2023. 2. Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition, 2010. 3. N. David Mermin, Quantum Computer Science An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2007. 4. David McMahon, Quantum computing explained, Wiley, 2007.
Additional Literature
  • 1. Chubb, Jennifer, Ali Eskandarian, and Valentina Harizanov, eds. Logic and Algebraic Structures in Quantum Computing. Vol. 45. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
  • 2. Bera, Rajendra K. The Amazing World of Quantum Computing. Springer, 2020.
  • 3. Hassi Norlén. Quantum Computing in Practice with Qiskit® and IBM Quantum Experience®: Practical recipes for quantum computer coding at the gate and algorithm level with Python, Packt, November 23, 2020.
  • 4. Hidary, Jack D, Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach, Springer, 2019.
  • 5. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/media-arts-and-sciences/mas-865j-quantum-information-science-spring-2006/lecture-notes/
Learning Outcomes After successful  completion of the course, the student will be able to:
    Teaching Methods Classes will be carried out through weekly lessons, including lab programming examples and practical exercises.
    Teaching Method Delivery Face-to-face Teaching Method Delivery Notes
    Week 1 Introduction to Linear Algebra for Quantum Computing Qiskit Textbook Chapter 0 and Hands-on
    Week 2 Quantum Computation: History & Overview Mike & Ike Chapter 1
    Week 3 Quantum states and Qubits Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 1
    Week 4 Single Qubits and Multi-Qubits gates Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 2
    Week 5 Quantum Problems Qiskit Textbook and Hands-on
    Week 6 Quantum Algorithms: Teleportation, Superdense Coding, Deutsch-Josza Algorithm Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 3
    Week 7 Mid-Term Exam
    Week 8 Quantum Algorithms: Bernstein-Vazirani, Simon's Algorithm, Quantum Fourier Transform Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 3
    Week 9 Quantum Algorithms for Applications Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 4
    Week 10 Investigating Quantum Hardware Using Qiskit: Calibrating qubits, Introduction to Quantum Error Correction Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 5
    Week 11 Investigating Quantum Hardware Using Qiskit: Randomized Benchmarking, Measuring Quantum Volume Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 5
    Week 12 Implementations of Recent Quantum Algorithms: The Variational Quantum Linear Solver Qiskit Textbook-Chapter 6
    Week 13 Quantum Cryptography Quantum computing explained-Chapter 11
    Week 14 Grovers search algorithm Qiskit Textbook-3.8
    Week 15 Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning Qiskit Textbook
    Assessment Methods and Criteria Evaluation Tool Quantity Weight Alignment with LOs
    Final Exam 1 40
    Semester Evaluation Components
    Lab Work 5 15
    Exercises 5 10
    Quizzes 2 10
    Midterm 1 25
    ***     ECTS Credit Calculation     ***
     Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours
    home study 2 15 30 final exam 10 2 20
    Lab Work 2 15 30 Exercises 2 10 20
    Quizzes 5 2 10 mid-term exam 20 2 40
            Total Workload Hours = 150
    *T= Teaching, P= Practice ECTS Credit = 6
    Course Academic Quality Assurance: Semester Student Survey Last Update Date: 09/11/2023
    QR Code for https://ecampus.ius.edu.ba/syllabus/cs428-principles-quantum-computing

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