ELIT100 Academic English and Effective Communication

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Course Code Course Title Weekly Hours* ECTS Weekly Class Schedule
ELIT100 Academic English and Effective Communication 2 1 6
Prerequisite None It is a prerequisite to


Lecturer Nadira Puškar Mustafić Office Hours / Room / Phone
E-mail npuskar-mustafic@ius.edu.ba
Assistant Assistant E-mail
Course Objectives This course is designed to help students achieve success in their academic and professional lives by developing fundamental skills necessary for effective communication. The course deals with organizing academic presentations, writing essays, incorporating different types of sources into speeches and writings, and utilizing various communication strategies in formal and informal settings. Students will develop their skills and techniques through frequent assignments and class activities.
Textbook ELIT100 Reader (selected excerpts from Refining Composition Skills, Rhetoric and Grammar, Heinle & Heinle, 2012; Market Leader Advanced, Iwonna Dubicka-Margaret O'Keeffe-Bill Mascull, Pearson, 2011; Introduction to academic writing Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue, Longman, 2007; Koerner, A. F., & Fitzpatrick, M. A. (2006). Family communication patterns theory: A social cognitive approach. Engaging theories in family communication: Multiple perspectives, 50-65., etc.)
Additional Literature
  • Ready to Write More From Paragraph to Essay, Second edition, Karen Blanchard & Christine Root, Longman 2004
Learning Outcomes After successful  completion of the course, the student will be able to:
  1. Write well-organized essays and deliver well-prepared speeches.
  2. Utilize various information sources for academic communication purposes.
  3. Deliver well-structured messages in oral and written forms of communication.
  4. Use dynamic presentation techniques in terms of structure and presentation.
  5. Successfully engage in various communication strategies and styles.
Teaching Methods Lectures, class discussions, in-class activities/assignments/quizzes, take-home assignments/quizzes, and presentations.
Teaching Method Delivery Face-to-face Teaching Method Delivery Notes
Week 1 Introduction to the course; Syllabus; Essential academic skills (note-taking) Syllabus/Presentation
Week 2 Subjective vs. objective language; Paragraph construction ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 3 Strong paragraph + in-class practice ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 4 Norms in Academic English; Email writing ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 5 Quiz 1 (Paragraph, in class) Essential academic skills (summarizing and paraphrasing) ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 6 Academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 7 Designing a dynamic presentation; Presentation info ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 8 Midterm Exam Revision
Week 10 Essay organization; Classification essay + in-class practice ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 11 Quiz 2 (Classification essay - in class) ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 12 Analyzing and reporting data + in-class practice ELIT100 reader/Presentation
Week 13 Students' presentations; Quiz 3 (Data report - take home)
Week 14 Students' presentations
Week 15 Students' presentations + Final Exam revision
Assessment Methods and Criteria Evaluation Tool Quantity Weight Alignment with LOs
Final Exam 1 30 1,2,3
Semester Evaluation Components
Presentation 1 20 1,3,4
Midterm Exam 1 30 1,2,5
Quizzes 3 20 1,2,5
***     ECTS Credit Calculation     ***
 Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours
Attending the Lectures 3 15 45 Presentation 5 4 20
Assignments 5 5 25 Home study/Revision 1 12 12
Studying for the midterm exam 8 3 24 Studying for the final exam 8 3 24
        Total Workload Hours = 150
*T= Teaching, P= Practice ECTS Credit = 6
Course Academic Quality Assurance: Semester Student Survey Last Update Date: 08/04/2024
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