The Impact of ChatGPT on Self-Regulated Learning in Calculus Education: A Study with Engineering Freshmen

TitleThe Impact of ChatGPT on Self-Regulated Learning in Calculus Education: A Study with Engineering Freshmen
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsGur, H
Date Published2024
PublisherV. International Congress on Educational Technology and Online Learning, ICETOL
Place PublishedEskişehir, Türkiye I
Publication LanguageEnglish
KeywordsArtificial intelligence, calculus education, ChatGPT, educational technology, online learning

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies aimed at fostering students' self-regulated learning and proactive engagement in digital learning environments. Educators, teachers, and faculty members are faced with AI entering education suddenly, with AI tools producing more complex content than previous technological advancements. This study examines the effects of implementing ChatGPT (currently the most widely used generative AI tool) as a mathematics learning tool on the calculus education of first-year engineering students. The study was conducted with 20 participants enrolled in the first year of the engineering faculty at a university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Participants were selected based on their low academic achievement in the "Calculus I" course and were randomly chosen. Students were provided with an activity sheet prepared by the researcher and were asked to formulate their own questions and use ChatGPT to solve them. The collected data were qualitatively gathered and analyzed. A two-week "Calculus I program" created with AI was implemented for the students. The results indicated that the program facilitated students' grasp of concepts in "Calculus I," promoted deep learning among students, and significantly enhanced their participation and motivation. The study revealed that students found the AI-generated program helpful for their individual learning and easy to use. However, caution was emphasized regarding the use of ChatGPT, particularly highlighting the potential for misguidance and fostering incorrect learning when concepts and theorems are not fully understood. The findings suggest that the majority of students support the use of ChatGPT in mathematics learning. These results provide valuable guidance for AI developers and educators seeking to optimize the effectiveness of AI-driven tools in fostering successful online science learning experiences.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, calculus education, online learning, educational technology

Refereed DesignationRefereed