ARCH108 Introduction to Architectural Design II

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Course Code Course Title Weekly Hours* ECTS Weekly Class Schedule
ARCH108 Introduction to Architectural Design II 1 2 6 Monday 9-11.50
Prerequisite ARCH100 It is a prerequisite to
Lecturer Alma Hudović-Kljuno Office Hours / Room / Phone
A F3.9 B - 033 957 238
Assistant Assistant E-mail
Course Objectives To teach students on studio-based lectures the fundamentals of the design of an individual house. To understand the design of houses by applying architectural standards, regulations, and architectural language. To design an individual house dwelling on a defined site for the chosen project that fits the needs of contemporary life.
Textbook Towards a New Architecture, Le Corbusier, Dover Publications, New York, 1986 (; Neufert Architects' Data, Ernst Neufert & Peter Neufert, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012; Bauhaus, Jeannine Fiedler, h.f.ullmann publishing, 2013; Catedra Rois Introducción a la Arquitectura Anuario 2011 , Juan Manuel Rois, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Arquitectura Planeamineto y Diseno, 2011 (
Additional Literature
  • The New Architecture and the Bauhaus (1935/1965), Walter Gropius, P. Morton Shand, MIT Press, 1965 (
Learning Outcomes After successful  completion of the course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge about the design of individual housing design development
  2. Demonstrate the understanding of architectural and urban context.
  3. Identify basic human needs for living and working in specific living unit.
  4. Present the work using architectural language.
  5. Demonstrate the knowledge about forming the project documentation.
  6. Develop the ability of use norms and standards in proper way, and to use proper architectural terminology
Teaching Methods Weekly studio-based lectures (3 hours per week). The students will work with the teacher on the assigned design task. The teacher will take a part as the project manager, learner-centered and interactive/participative methods will be emphasized throughout the studio. An incomplete project will not be considered for the final presentation.
Teaching Method Delivery Face-to-face Teaching Method Delivery Notes
Week 1 Introduction to the course. Explanation of tasks and expectations. Intro 2D Pattern.
Week 2 Intro Form Finding.
Week 3 Daily critics-Form Finding.
Week 4 Submission Homework 1/Form Finding. Intro Solid&Void.
Week 5 Daily critics-Solid&Void.
Week 6 Submission of Homework 2/Solid&Void. Intro to Layout
Week 7 !!! Daily critics-Layout.
Week 8 Submission of Mid Term Projects Homework 3/Layout.
Week 9 Non-working Day
Week 10 Intro Diagrams.
Week 11 Submission Homework 4/Diagrams. Intro Horizontal/Vertical Communication.
Week 12 Submission Homework 5/Horizontal/Vertical Communication. Intro-Structure.
Week 13 Daily critics-Structure.
Week 14 Submission Homework 6/Structure. Intro Façade.
Week 15 Submission Homework 7/Facade.
Assessment Methods and Criteria Evaluation Tool Quantity Weight Alignment with LOs
Final Exam 1 30 1,2,3,4,5,6
Semester Evaluation Components
Homework 1-7 7 10 2,3,4,5,6
***     ECTS Credit Calculation     ***
 Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Hours
Lecture Hours 1 11 11 Assignments 2 7 14
Home Study 9 12 108 In-term exam study 4 2 8
Final Exam study 6 1 6 Term project/presentation 3 1 3
        Total Workload Hours = 150
*T= Teaching, P= Practice ECTS Credit = 6
Course Academic Quality Assurance: Semester Student Survey Last Update Date: 18/10/2024

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